How and Why to Hate the Denver Broncos

I call myself the penultimate Kansas City Chiefs fan only because I am sure there is some ninety-nine year old gramma from Jasper Missouri who never missed a home game even when they were in Dallas and knows the difference between Derrick and D'Anthony Thomas. I am the biggest Kansas City Chiefs fan under 100.
I hate the Denver Broncos... I always have.
I'll try to make my case for having a steaming pile of tightly coiled contempt for the Broncos chronologically but no guarantees.
First things first. Orange and blue. Really? Orange and blue is ugly. It was ugly in 1962 and its ugly now, unless you are Boise St. I want to beseige you with my opinion, but I also want to entertain, sooooo
Fun fact Boise State is the only football team anywhere pro, college, whatever that has a blue field. Why? becaus they patented it. AND. They just don't own the blue field, they own non-green fields.
Next, the broncos sucked from their inception in 1960 to 1973.
If it weren't for Marlin Briscoe (a story for another post) every quarterback for the Broncos was horrible until 1977.
In 1983 the biggest cry baby in professional sports John Elway decided he didn't want to play for the team that was destined to draft him so he threatened to quit football. What a pussy. Yes he won two Super Bowls, but prior to that he lost three.
During the eighties, the Chiefs couldn't get around Denver and I hated them for that.
Since being in Kansas City my Chiefs have not changed colors or helmets. The Broncos have been indecisive since their inception. Pick something and stick with it.
In 1997 the Broncos thought it would be a good idea to change their uniforms. Unfortunately they didn't change the colors they changed the stripes to curly Qs.
This change should have never been accepted by any self respecting Denver Broncos fan but as it turns out - there is no such thing.
From 2009-2010 the Broncos had easily the shittiest prominent head coach of all time in Josh McDaniels. McDaniels traded Jay Cutler the quarteback who started sixteen games the previous two years in a row - passed for 4,500 yds and traded 1,000 yds worth of Brandon Marshall because they talked-back.
I have never appreciated Peyton Manning like most right-minded sports fans do, probably because we couldn't get around him.
Yes I am a Chiefs fan... the penultimate one, but when the Broncos drag down the AFC West it cheapens our success.


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